Foresters In Alabama
According to a consultant providing professional services is often required to be registered or licensed within the State in which the service is offered. Before engaging or contracting with any person(s) representing themselves as a consultant or registered professional, the AFC recommends that you should obtain adequate supporting documentation from the service provider such as a current license or registration number as provided to them by the appropriate State Agency. Further, consultants should always remain free from conflicts of interest (for instance, wood procurement) to serve the best and sole interest of the client.
In accordance to Alabama Law, any person who offers forest management recommendations and works for hire on land that he/she does not own (state, federal and corporate lands excepted) must be registered by the Alabama Board of Registration for Foresters. Further, to be listed in the AFC Service Provider database as a Forestry Consultant requires the service provider to be a Registered Forester in Alabama and provide their current registration number.
Alabama Forestry Consultant
When searching for help with your tree farm, inherited property, recently purchased timber acreage or other tree related issues, we invite your questions.
There are many benefits of hiring an ACF Certified forester. Learn about them here.